Saturday, January 19, 2013

diet diary 1 & blabbering

Every day I keep telling myself that I am going to take contol of my eating and my out of control sleeping habits. And every day I fail. Why am I so weak? I used to be someone on their game and what I thought will be a better , new start for me...all of my habits, my life balance just crashed n crumbled. Eating habits being the worst of them all.
So I decided on this thing I am gonna call Diet diary. I am going to take a pic of what I eat every day...and try to make myself do more exercise...aaaand get up at least at 9. Geeez. I scare myself sometimes whe I think of what I have become... feels like my life is out of control...and i am being carried by the wave of it. I know I have it in many have it worst than I do and still have more control and strength than I do. 
So here's what I ate today: 
breakfast+lunch = breaklunch

  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2 toasts with butter
  • cayenne shot LOL
  • tea and coffee not on pic

cereal with milk
 and an on-growing pretty moon 

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