Thursday, January 10, 2013

Finding my old me

Sorta feeling better after my yesterday's "meltdown"... decided im gonna find the old me who was almost never sad. Being out of my comfort zone I slowly "lost" myself.. stopped doing the things I love.. started eating crazy, being lazy, not working...since i cant work right now...and letting my happiness depend on my husband. Feeling pretty much like a looser.
 I shouldn't do that. No one should. You have to be happy with your own person and not let the happiness depend on others...not your bf, husband, friends...cus i think that at the end of the day you are you, we stand alone, everyone is for themselves .. no one can make you happy if you are not happy with yourself...if that makes any sense? 

I have been blessed with a husband and a family that cares so much about me and care for my happiness (i am sooo grateful for that)but I am me and I stand alone....But, it is easier to say it than doing it.

  • First I am gonna try to loose weight by eating less and nothing after 6 pm. Exercise more.
  • draw, take pictures more cus it relaxes me and i am happy when i am doing those things
  • listen more music that i love
  • be more supportive of my husband, be more understanding
  • be less selfish
  • start something new, try new things
looks like a lil resolution for this new year. Did you make one? this is the month for it...make this year better than the last...make today better for starters. 
The belly i am trying to loose

Still cant look at a plane and not think about going home

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